MWMW Profile ----------------------------------------------------
ダンサー・振付家の高橋萌登が、2017年に立ち上げたダンスカンパニー。読み方はモウィモウィ。 これまでに短編作品『night-bird』『Since I was a kid』『なにものたち』『幻モキュメント』 『PHENOMENA』、長編作品『楽園はまぼろし、もしくはモキュメント』を発表。 ダンスカンパニーVon・noズとのユニット、MWnoズで共作『ROBIN』がかながわ短編演劇アワード2022 でグランプリを受賞。 高橋がこれまで培ってきた表現やテクニックを凝縮し、固定概念に捕らわれないオルタナティブダンスをモットーとし、フィールドを劇場に限らず幅広く活動している。また、その時々により形態を変え、短編でも長編でも魅せられるダンサーとしてハイレベルかつ芸術的な面も兼ね備えたダンスカンパニーを目指す。

MWMW is a dance company founded in 2017 by dancer and choreographer Moto Takahashi. The company aims to creat their alternative and crossover dance performances, not limited to theatrical spaces. Her work‘PHANTOM MOCKUMENT’received the Jury Prize and Kinosaki International Arts Center Prize at Yokohama Dance Collection 2021. Since 2021, the company also appears as MWNOS when in collaboration with the dance company VONNOS. Their coproduction‘ROBIN’received the Grand Prix at the Yokohama of Kanagawa Short Play Award 2022.

Photo by Kazuyuki Matsumoto (2,3,4)

高橋萌登/Moto Takahashi

長野県出身。幼少よりクラシックバレエを始め、2013年より創作活動を本格化し、ソロ作品で、Rencontres Choregraphiques Internationales de Seine-Saint-Denis (Paris) 、Festival Fabbrica Europa (Firenze) など海外フェスティバルに招聘。2021年、横浜ダンスコレクション2021 [コンペティションI] で『幻モキュメント』を発表し、審査員賞と城崎国際アートセンター (KIAC)賞を受賞。 また、自身で制作するダンス映像作品にも力を入れ、ビデオグラファーとしても活動の幅を広げている。

Dancer, Choreographer, Videographer 
Takahashi started classical ballet from her early childhood.
In 2013, she began her creative activities in earnest, and has been invited to overseas festivals such as Rencontres Choregraphiques Internationales de Seine-Saint-Denis and Festival Fabbrica Europa.
In 2021, at Yokohama Dance Collection 2021, her work“PHANTOM MOCKUMENT” received the Jury prize and Kinosaki International Arts Center Prize.
In recent years, she has been creating her own dance video works as a videographer. 

大江麻美子/Mamiko Oe

6歳よりユニークバレエシアター(現バレエスタジオHORIUCHI)にてクラシックバレエを堀内完、林かおりに学ぶ。2000年に渡米し、DEAN大学ダンス学部に入学。バレエ・モダンダンスを学び首席で卒業。帰国後、伊藤キム+輝く未来での活動を経て、2005年よりBATIK(黒田育世主宰)のメンバーとなる。現在までに国内外の公演に多数出演。他にも東京ELECTROCK STAIRS、Dancenorth(オーストラリア)にダンサーとして参加。 2022年バレエ安全指導者資格ティーチャーズコース修了。子供から大人までクラシックバレエ、モダンダンスの指導も行う。 

Born in Tokyo, Japan. 

Mamiko Oe started her ballet training at age of 6 at Unique Ballet Theatre. 

She entered Dean College in USA for modern dance and classical ballet training in 2000. 

After graduation, she joined the dance company Kim Itoh+Glourius future in 2003, then joined the dance company BATIK in 2005. 

金森温代/Atsuyo Kanamori


Studied modern dance under Momoyo Onoda and classical ballet under Yoko Muto and Yumi Yashio from the age of six , and studied contemporary dance upon entering college. She graduated from Japan Women's College of Physical Education, majoring in dance.

She has performed in works by Akiyo Fukami, Teita Iwabuchi, and Jun Takahashi, and joined MWMW in 2019.

She has appeared in music videos and as a backup dancer for TV Tokyo's Godtan, Misako Uno (AAA), Ikimono-gakari, Motohiro Hata, and others.

In recent years, she runs S⁺DanceSpace in Fuchu City, Tokyo, where she also teaches children.


鈴木梨音/Rion Suzuki


Born in Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka. Rion Suzuki is a dancer and member of the Miyako Kato Dance Space. She started modern ballet at the age of 3, and graduated from the Japan Women's College of Physical Education, majoring in dance. Currently teaching in the field of correspondence high school, university entrance exam preparation, modern dance, and more, while also pursuing her own dance activities. She has won many awards in domestic competitions for her solo and group dances. While mainly performing contemporary dance, she has participated as a back-up dancer for live performances and in works of various choreographers, such as Miyako Kato and Kota Kihara.

中谷友紀/Yuki Nakatani


Yuki Nakatani, born in Tokyo, started to learn HIPHOP and JAZZ under Etsuko Kawakami from the age of 8.

From her junior high school age, she has engaged the tutelage of Moto Takahashi, learning ballet and HIPHOP techniques and inspired by the diverse ways of expression. After entering university, she has performed in the MWMW from 2017 up to the present.

In recent years, she has also improved street dance skills with taking a guidance from KENTARO!! and has appeared in his works and videos. In addition, she has performed in the works of the same generation group, in the battle scene and in the open air.